The Team behind RotS
The team behind RotS consists of a few headstrong people that have spent way too much time on playing various tabletop roleplaying games. Much has been sacrificed in bringing this game to life and in the pursuit of excellence, but we have no regrets. Together, we have accomplished something remarkable and we hope that, when the time comes, you will enjoy our game and have as much fun playing it as we did during our many tests and in-house campaigns.


Author & GM

The man behind the books, the core game concepts and mechanics, Joseph played D&D almost exclusively as a GM for nearly ten years, until that fateful day when he simply could not house-rule high fantasy into something less unrealistic any more. Determined to create a better alternative, Joseph started working on his own game almost 3 years ago. And so, RotS was born.


Class Designer

Before Emerik joined the team, RotS was nothing more than a cool concept with completely broken Classes. Thanks to his sharp mind and ability to predict possible conflicts and other balancing problems, RotS, over time, became what it is now; a balanced tabletop RPG with a wide range of Classes and unique Archetypes that are all interesting and fun to play.



Like Philip, Adrian was there from the very beginning of RotS, tirelessly testing the game throughout all of its development stages. Yet, Adrian went further in his loyalty to Joseph and RotS than any other tester, for Adrian had sacrificed a large part of his own house, dedicating it for us to have a place where we can play and test RotS whenever we wanted or needed to do so.


Tabletop Enthusiast

Although completely false, Philip considers himself the only extrovert in our Team. One time, when jokingly asked by Joseph what his real contribution to the game was, he simply replied: “Bringing people together and making everyone smile”. Currently, while not testing RotS, Philip spends his time playing in a band, hopelessly trying to become famous.


Web Developer

Although Stjepan has a degree in an engineering college, he truly found himself in web development and marketing, which he has successfully been doing for the past three years. Stjepan is not a tabletop gamer, and yet he liked the game so much, that he decided to join the team, taking it upon himself to recreate the web page and maintain it.